
1. I consider myself a pretty smart pup, but I have a lot to learn. I’m not even 2 years old yet and I’ve created a neat website for all my fur-iends and their parents to learn about all being a posh pup, but it took a lot of hours and a lot of cat naps (yes doggies take these to) to get through this. Social media is always changing, mom said there is a new app called Periscope and we need to start using it. What the what? Help me out Barkworld peeps!

2. I love making new fur-iends. Every where we go I’m always finding a new one and sniffing their private parts showing them lots of love. I like to meet other doggies and their parents because then mom and I can share friends. But, you know what I really like…to meet doggies who are also spokespups like me. Do you know how hard it is to be the only dog at daycamp with a blog? Geesh. People think I’m a weirdo-g.

3. I’m always on Pinterest pinning to my Posh Pups board all kinds of pup-spiration but I know first hand how inspired a dog can be when surrounded by other pups doing great things. Like that time in my training class I was acting out, but the dog next to me wasn’t so I was inspired to be more like him.

4. When mom and I attended our last conference, we were so pumped up that we got more work done in those three days then we did in several weeks before the conference. We made a to do list and crossed everything off within two weeks of attending the conference. How is that for productivity?

5. I’ve never been to Atlanta and mom said she’d start taking me on more trips so this is the perfect opportunity for me to work on racking up my airline points. A work-cation!! We will learn all day and party all night. Well until 9pm or so…that’s my bedtime. I need at least 13 hours of sleep to function (18 to be at my very best.)

I really, really, really, want to go to Barkworld! I know I can learn a lot and I would be really appreciative of the opportunity! Are you going to Barkworld?

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