A Late Recap of My 23rd Birthday Party…And Why I’m Through Having Them Until I’m 30!


On June 19, I turned 23 years old. I know. I’m ancient. Lol Well, I celebrated my birthday on June 14 with a “Set it Off” Themed Party at Boyert Shooting Center. After the super fun time I had at media night, I knew I had to come back and I did go back several times, before I planned my birthday there. Anyway, my birthday was a while ago but I haven’t been able to share this post, because a lot of crazy stuff has been going on in the world. On June 17, the Charleston Massacre occurred where 9 people were killed and on my birthday my 91 year old great grandmother passed away. I was too busy grieving my grandmother to think about sharing my recap and I felt like in the wake of the shooting, me posting about my birthday party at a shooting range was just tacky. My party was nice, a lot less peoplethan who I invited showed up but my friends and family who did attend had a blast and enjoyed it and I was thankful for their attendance. 




Simira-at-Taylor-Brione's Birthday


 I know. I know. My title was super dramatic and you want to know why I’m done with birthday parties. Well, for starters, it’s a waste of money. I didn’t really have many birthdays as a young kid because my birthday was in the summer time. My mom threw some bomb parties in the early 90’s apparently, but I don’t remember anything. I have seen the pictures of my silver tooth lined mouth full of icing. They looked fun but now my mom isn’t paying for them anymore. I am. I’m always trying to do something different and fun which I usually end up spending anywhere from $300-$500 on my birthday. In the grand scheme of things, thats not a lot of money, however, consider that I’ve also been in college for the last 4 years and have only been in the work force for one year. I’m not balling by any means honey.


No one is supportive. When I say no one, I’m again being dramatic, there are always a handful of people, (my sisters, my mom, and my best friend, and a couple others) who make it a point to try to attend everything that I do. But then there are others, who always have an excuse, or worse, no money, and cancel at the last minute or just no show. By the way, thats hella rude, especially when I’ve paid for you in advance based on your attendance. “YOU” know who you are. Lol

These two always attend everything. My sister Hollye (left) and my best friend Paige (right.) I had to put this disclaimer in since this picture is right under my shady remarks. Lol


This sounds selfish but I really don’t want any cheap gifts picked up at the last minute. When I attend parties, showers, weddings, anything, I buy something that I know for sure the person wants. Something on their registry, something they keep mentioning, or something I know without a shadow of a doubt will be cherished. If I don’t know what to get, a gift card or cash is what I’ll give. I have a lot of junk already and a cute teddy bear from CVS is not going to get used at all and will most likely get thrown away. And I know I’m just 23, but I feel like all of the cool ideas are overdone and I just don’t know what to do next. Everything gets old after a while.


My birthday is a time to celebrate God allowing me to be alive another year. I’m want to celebrate me. That means doing something that I will enjoy, like traveling, or shopping, and keeping that $500 in my pocket for savings towards my town home. Most importantly, I have everything I need and a healthy dose of everything that I want, so I think my actual birthday can be a time where I can give back to others.  I’d rather volunteer on my birthday or have people donate to charities in my honor in lieu of gifts to me. 

So why thirty? Well, I’ve always wanted to have a quinceañera. I know. I know. I’m not hispanic but still I’ve always been obsessed with the idea. My hispanic friend Jessica, who did attend my party told me about the “double quinceañera” or a treintanera  (I definitely don’t think I spelled that right either. Someone correct me!) that some people have when they don’t have a quince. I was like omg, I’m doing that!! I love birthdays and I like parties. I’m an event planner for crying out loud, but I think taking a break from birthdays will be good for me and allow me to celebrate myself and give back to others without shelling out a ton of money or worrying about a guest list. I know. I know. I’m crazy. Lol

What are you doing for your birthday? Do you have a party every year?

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2 thoughts on “A Late Recap of My 23rd Birthday Party…And Why I’m Through Having Them Until I’m 30!”

  1. I would be a bit frustrated if I paid for ppl to attend something and then they didn’t bother to let me know before hand that they couldn’t make it. I think it’s rude. As soon as you know you can’t attend an event, you should let your host/hostess know. Anyways, I’m glad you were still able to celebrate and have a blast with the family and friends that showed up.

    Birthdays for me are always low key. I just like to be surrounded my family which usually includes dinner, a movie and shopping with my husband and my kids. Since my birthday and Christmas are the same week, I celebrate with my extended family then.
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Taylor Brione Ballard

I’m Taylor Brione Ballard—a proud University of Houston grad from the Hilton College of Global Hospitality Leadership, where I majored in Event Management and Sales and picked up a minor in Nonprofit Management along the way.

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