Date a girl who writes because she will give you the most beautiful settings you’ve ever seen. She writes about the paradises she imagines, the paradises she has been to, and shares them with you.
Date a girl who writes because sometimes a little silence is welcome.
Date a girl who writes because the post-it on your refrigerator reminding you to buy milk will be original and full of adorable metaphors. And because she is so creative, she’ll put the post-it in your shoe rather than on your fridge.
In the fairy tale that is your life together, she will always make you prince charming, and happily ever after is a guarantee.
Date a girl who writes because when the poetry dies, she will make sure her prose keeps you alive.
Date a girl who writes because she understands the value of word choice, and will mean everything she says to you.
Date a girl who writes because she will ask you interesting things like “What does your name mean?” so that she may use it in a book someday. Not to mention you get to have a better understanding of yourself when you Google your own name.
She’s always looking for the page-turner, which becomes quite exciting for you.
The storyline will never have to end. She will write all the sequels that keep your love breathing. And just so that you remember all the things you love about her, she’ll make sure to include prequels too.
You’ll never have to worry about dementia, amnesia, or Alzheimer’s in your later life. She has already written out your story so that you may remember each other forever.
Date a girl who writes because she can take criticism and turn it into wit, disappointment into accomplishment, and sadness into laughter with the wave of her pen.
Sex is like a dirty, raunchy romantic novel you don’t dare read in public.
She will spend her life coming up with a thousand different ways to tell you how incredible you are as she is not fond of repetition. But the words she will wear out is “I love you,” because even she knows there is no better substitute for them in the history of writing.
Date a girl who writes because you will be her muse, her inspiration. Without you, she will have writer’s block. Or write the greatest tragedy since Cleopatra and Mark Antony. Either way, you are the man she will always write.
Everyday she fascinates you with a new genre. Today she is Romance, tomorrow Philosophy.
And finally, you must date a girl who writes because it is she who will allow you to live forever. With just her pen, she will make sure that you never grow old nor die nor fade, remembered for generations to come. A character in one of her stories, you will be given the gift of immortality.