So this past weekend was The Big Hat Brunch was held at my church. My mom was the chair of the event…which ultimately meant that I was co-chair and responsible for decor and other details. I really wanted to make this event a little different.
I’ve been in church all my life and at every church event there is one thing that remains constant…the program. It is always the standard front and back with a fold down the middle….I decided to spice things up and turn those programs into fans.

How To Make Your Own Program Fans

-printed programs
-tongue depressor sticks
-spray adhesive
-scissors or corner rounder
1. Print on your programs as you have designed them. The program I made was similar to that of a regular program, except I left the center pages blank.
program fans
2. Fold your program in half. Be sure to make the corners meet, it will be very noticeable if it is folded unevenly. At this time if you would like take your scissors or your corner rounder and round the corners of the program.
program fans
3. Now lay your program on a flat even surface. Spray the tongue depressor first and lay it where you would like it to be. Then evenly spray the adhesive over the entire program. and hold down for 15-20 seconds.
program fans
4. Let the programs dry at least a day before use, the adhesive needs time to set in.
program fans
This was a fairly easy project. Just pay attention to your folding and how much adhesive you spray on the program, because it can seep through. This project took about 4 hours to (from printing to completion) make 60 programs. If you have a group of people helping you it will go much faster.

What DIY projects are you working on? Leave me a link in the comments below so I can check them out!

