
I recently visited a dog park for the first time. My human was really concerned about I’d act there with other dogs around. The first park we went to, I stayed there briefly because there was poop everywhere, but it looked like it would have been a ton of fun. The second dog park was fun but there were too many “mean dogs” around, so we left after an hour or so. Even though, I’m a dog park rookie, it’s not hard to see what is right and what is wrong when visiting the dog park.


Do make sure your vaccines are up to date, especially Rabies which is required by law in the state of Texas.

Do clean up after your pooch. I don’t mind the poop as much but my human hates  stepping in a fresh pile.

Do separate big dogs and little dogs from each other if they aren’t familiar with one another.

Do discipline your dog if he/she misbehaves or continually bothers another dog.

Do let your dog be a dog. Let he/she play with other dogs, run around, and wear itself  out!



Don’t bring food into the dog park.

Don’t allow your dog to bully another dog. (My human doesn’t play when it comes to this.)

Don’t bring dogs in heat to the park.

Don’t bring toys that you aren’t willing to share. Sticks are a no-no and can cause harm to doggies that play with them.

Don’t stay if your dog isn’t having fun. (I saw lots of humans laughing and their pooches were laying in the grass sad!)

Like I said, my human and I are dog park rookies, but we observed these things in two visits. What are some other do’s and don’ts.

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