On April 30th, I will officially be released from my lease . I can stay there for an additional two weeks, since these are on campus apartments. Although, I have had some good times at Cullen, I more than ready to leave! I’m looking around for the perfect apartment and the perfect furniture to go along with my new place. So while browsing, Craigslist, I found an ad for a furniture store that was selling a pink sofa for $499!
Now I know you shouldn’t purchase furniture without knowing where you are going, but I couldn’t resist! A pink sofa ?? That’s every dolls’ dream!! So I gave in and put it on layaway, because my current apartment is already furnished and I have no place to put it. I’m so excited! I don’t really have $499 ($540 plus tax), but I had to sacrifice!
So when I do move in my new place, hopefully, I’ll have enough funds remaining to get a bed and other necessities , or else I’ll be using this couch as a bed too! LOL Anyways, I’m super excited about this couch and even though lust is a sin, I HAD to give in. But as a fashionable and faithful Christian, I’d like to believe that God understands that this was a need, not a want.
Siggghhhhh. Look at her:
pink sofa
Peace. Love. And The Pink Couch.
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